Hand-knit by a surgeon, Renault Pillows [TM] make you feel entitled on your sofa, armchair, or chaise lounge. The yarns are pre-tested for color resistance (watch the hot-water test). Unique with no reprise, each pair has a name. Dissimilar in itself, each pair cross-complements. One has a backside pocket to hide your wishlist, to-do list, shopping list, or anything else - private and special. Pillows come with zippers (or buttons) and handmade labels with the letters 'R' and 'P' subsumed. From the first knit to the zipper, the making of a pair takes up to 4 days. Select a design from the clustered menu below. For customized orders, email your desired image to renault.pillows@gmail.com . Take a video tour of a variety of stories and choices.
Renault Rule: The front and back sides of each pair stand alone for a statement. Hence, by buying one pair, you technically pay for two.
Renault Pillows will energize your room with a theme and ambiance.

$30.00 without inserts
$42.00 with inserts