Hand-knit by a surgeon, Renault Pillows [TM] make you feel entitled on your sofa, armchair, or chaise lounge. The yarns are pre-tested for color resistance (watch the hot-water test). Unique with no reprise, each pair has a name. Dissimilar in itself, each pair cross-complements. One has a backside pocket to hide your wishlist, to-do list, shopping list, or anything else - private and special. Pillows come with zippers (or buttons) and handmade labels with the letters 'R' and 'P' subsumed. From the first knit to the zipper, the making of a pair takes up to 4 days. Select a design from the clustered menu below. For customized orders, email your desired image to renault.pillows@gmail.com . Take a video tour of a variety of stories and choices.
Renault Rule: The front and back sides of each pair stand alone for a statement. Hence, by buying one pair, you technically pay for two.
Renault Pillows will energize your room with a theme and ambiance.

Pair $32.00, no inserts
$44.00 with inserts
Preorders: You can't pay for a preorder unless the availability is confirmed. The artist (the seller) cannot knit more than one pair at a time. Typically, knitting a pair takes up to 4 days. However, the overlapping preorders may result in waiting lists and fulfillment delays. Please use the form on the "Contact Us" page to have the timelines and prices estimated and the minds met. After, the "Add to Basket" buttons will be activated for a secure transaction.